How You Can Help Me Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary!

This is my 2nd posting to my “How to See the Big Picture” blog.

My blog will improve in appearance and content as I figure things out. It’s very basic now as I did it all by myself – which is impressive since I am not technologically inclined  at all . Even though I did take introduction to linear programming in the 1979 (precursor to computers).  I never learned how to videotape TV shows and now videotapes are extinct. I never bothered to fully read the manual to my car that I had for 20 years. I have an iPhone but only know a small percentage of what it is capable of (analogous of how little we know of our own brains!).

I downloaded WordPress, which many say is the best in terms of ease to use and functionality, and “Get Noticed” theme developed by Michael Hyatt. His book Platform was recommended by the Hay House Book Publishing online course which I also highly recommend.  Hay House’s course on publishing contains  a lot of interesting and useful  information on  publishing – either for self publishers or for those hoping to sign a book deal by a traditional publishing house.  The CEO Reid Tracy of Hay House says that the most important thing publishers look for is how large one’s platform is, which is measured by how many email subscribers one has BEFORE the finishing and writing  of one’s book. So this information was a little upsetting to me at first – another thing to squeeze into my busy days and nights as a busy realtor.*

Here I was trying to put my whole book together after 18 years of gestation, and now I have to learn about building a platform!

However that knowledge helped me to transform inaction & procrastination  into action by bringing the unknown into the known. That online course and other introduction online videos, Ted Talks etc kicked my rear into action .(*That and having a broken wrist with nothing else  to do in a drab cold Canadian winter  but to listen to online courses).

The other piece of important information that successful bloggers/internet marketers/writers/publishers all say is that the road to success (via high internet traffic)  is to give your blog a narrow focus, which makes sense because one wants to help SEO or search engine optimization.

How can I do that when my book is all about seeing the big picture?

This blog is for people who resonate with one or more of the following:

  • love knowledge and learning new things- as successful ageless people all know!
  • feel bored or stuck in life, feel that there is something missing from life or wish to change jobs, careers.
  • love that feeling of light bulbs lighting up  in your head – your head feels clearer and smarter.
  • are a seeker of truth.
  • are undergoing a crisis of some kind Inc mid life crisis, illness, depression, or knows of someone who is and wish to help.
  • wish to have better health, enrich your life and live longer.
  • wish to have inner peace.
  • wish to have better relationships with your family, friends, co-workers, boss and/or find the love of your life.
  • wish to learn easy lazy healthy ways of cooking (as I love eating healthily but do not like to spend the time creating the meals).
  • wish to understand how sciences and spirituality complement each other.
  • wish to understand the beliefs in God and feng shui can co-exist.
  • wish to us understand how to live the quantum physics way of life (and how quantum physics supports a win-win way of living vs. win-lose consciousness).
  • wish to see the big picture of life and how you fit in.
  • wish to find and live their life purpose.
  • wish to help change the world for the better, although you may not know it’s this time.
  • will understand how you help transform humanity just by BEING.
  • you are a relative, friend, acquaintance, past or current client from my childhood, architecture, real estate lives and through the generosity of your heart wish me to succeed.
  • you just found me now on this blog are curious to see how an ordinary person like myself can achieve the extraordinary.

Which means so can you, if you haven’t already done so yourself!

So to help me in realizing my dreams, all you need to do is to subscribe to my e-mailing list. Apparently this is how one builds one’s “tribe” and in this digital global age, building one’s tribe and building a platform is the way to succeed, in addition to great content of course.

I will try to do both. Will you help me?

And hopefully you will learn something along the way!