Very simply, it can save your life.
If that sounds too dramatic or is not of your concern, then at least you will be healthier and happier.
Seeing the big picture may sound like a big undertaking needing a lot of time but actually the opposite is true. Once you learn how, it is like having a knife to cut through the crap to get to the essence.
Once you know how, everything actually becomes simpler and easier. You actually save time because you become effective in achieving what you want be it things, great relationships, goals.
This does not mean that you will have to do great things , but you may develop the desire and will have the capability to do so.
However , doing even the smallest of things in everyday life can contribute to a big change for humanity, like starting to eat the white part of the watermelon rinds, instead of just the red part of the watermelon itself.
( I start with a food example since I have a mighty appetite and am always thinking about food! more on this later..)
My husband loves watermelons and could be happy eating only watermelon all day and everyday, especially in the summer. This is not bad considering the nutritional and cleansing value of watermelon, but he does need leave room for veggies! However, i was concerned about the large amount of waste that was left behind to go into the compost or garbage, so I started to eat it! .
Turns out not only are the white parts of the watermelon rind highly nutritious , but it helps satisfy my hunger and quench my thirst. . Moreover, it was something I ate to help me lose weight easily and keep it off without dieting . because of its low caloric value and low glycemic index, whereas eating only the red part of the watermelon will make me hungrier. I have even used it to put in soups – sort of like one would use to put bitter melon in a Chinese style soup. A Mexican friend even uses the green parts to put in smoothies but I do not think i would do that, unless it was organic. My cousins from Taiwan used to use the white parts to help their complex
In another example, I rescued an abandoned whole pumpkin that was sitting on top of my condo’s complex compost bin after Halloween and easily made pumpkin/oatmeal/kefir muffins from the pulp and toasted pumpkin seeds. (to be in a future blog post).
So how does this help to see the big picture?
You will gradually start looking at fruit and veggies differently, wondering how can you get the most out of it ?
By valuing the not so obvious parts in fruits, you will start to value the not so obvious in life.
By seeing that a pumpkin can fulfill multiple roles- as Halloween decoration and tasty nutritious food.
You start by seeing the big picture, while reducing landfill , your food budget and your waistline!
I would love to hear about your stories – how you do you use the not so obvious parts of fruits and vegetables ?